terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2010

"Well, basically it could be two things: it could be a ghost... or it could be a demon."

Seguindo "This is It" (2o09), pulamos para "Atividade Paranormal" (2009). O filme estava batendo recordes de bilheteria aqui nos EUA, todo mundo falando o tanto que assustava e que era a nova "Bruxa de Blair" (1999), critica elogiando, bem pontuado no Rotten Tomatoes, ... Tive que conferir. Pena, preferia nao ter ido. Achei o filme chato e idiota, ressoava falsidade, nao entrei no clima nem um minuto e acabei cochilando (o que eu raramente fao no cinema). Me falaram que o final assusta bastante, maaas nao fiquei acordada pra isso. Sei que muitas pessoas ja viram e vao ver, mas eu destestei e so pra constar nao chega nem perto de "A Bruxa de Blair"!

Following "This is It" (20090, we skipped to "Paranormal Activity" (2009). The movie was breaking records here in the US, everyone talking about how scary it was and how it is the new "Blair Witch Project" (1999), the critics were good, it has a good score on Rotten Tomatoes,... I had to see it. Too bad, I wish I didn't. I found the movie boring and silly, it echoed faking, I was never into it for a minute and I ended up falling asleep (something I rarely do at the movies). I was told that the end is pretty scarry buuut I wasn't awake for it. I know many people have seen the movie and others will, but I hated it and just for the record it doesn't even come close to the "Blair Witch Project"!

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