segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010

DVD | The Edge of Love (2008)

Tinha visto o trailer de "Amor Extremo" (2008) e me interessou, pelo elenco, historia, etc. Surpresa minha quando achei o filme aqui ja pra alugar (ele estreiou a pouco tempo no Brasil). No fim das contas nao gostei. A historia e ruim, os personagens sao estranhos, mas nao de um jeito bom. Resumindo: nao gaste dinheiro com esse filme!

I saw the trailer of "The Edge of Love" (2008) and it got my attention, for the cast, the story, etc. Surprise, surprise when I find the movie already to rent here (it opened in Brazil a little while ago). In the end, I didn't like it. The story is bad, the characters are weird, not in a good way. In summary: don't spend money with this movie!

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