terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010

DVD | Star Trek (2009)

Os vizinhos alugaram o novo "Star Trek" (2009) e a gente, obvio, pegou emprestado. Tava curiosa porque nao sei nada sobre a franquia, alem do William Shatner, o Spock e as orelinhas pontudas, aquele "V" de vitoria duplo e que alguem fala klingon. Tinha lido elogios, quem dirige e o J. J. Abrams de Lost, um bocado de novato famoso, etc,... Achei o filme legal e me confundiu no inicio, maas recuperei logo e entendi! Nao... voce nao precisa ser um trekkie para entender, mas ao mesmo tempo eu gostaria de fazer a conexao. Ah e absurdo! Nao vi ninguem falando klingon (alias, teve? porque se teve eu cochilei... oops). E interessante e consegue te prender, mas nao e nada que mereca um super esforco nao! Se o seu vizinho alugar ele ai sim; vai la e pega! haha

The neighbors rented the new "Star Trek" (2009) e we obviously borrowed. I was curious because I don't know anything about the franchise aside from William Shatner, Spock and his pointy ears, the double "V" for victory and that someone speaks klingon. I read good reviews, the director is J. J. Abrams from Lost, has a lot of newly famous people, etc,... I found it cool and it threw me off in the beginning but I caught up and managed to understand! Oh and the b*******! I didn't see anyone speaking klingon (by the way, was there? because if there was I must have fallen asleep... oops). It is interesting and it catches your attention but it is nothing to die for! But if your neighbor rents it make sure to get it! haha

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