quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2010

"Be... Italian..."

Sente o elenco: Daniel Day-Lewis, Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Kate Hudson, Fergie, Judi Dench e Sofia Lauren. Dava pra passar? Hum... ate que dava. "Nine" (2009), a adaptacao cinematografica do musical de mesmo nome, e dirigido por Rob Marshall - que adaptou "Chicago" (2002). Depende muito do musical pra eu gostar, normalmente os numeros musicais me irritam um pouco porque muitas vezes eu acho que eles interrompem a historia. Obvio que existem excelentes excecoes. Com "Nine" aconteceu o contrario: amei os numeros musicais e odiei o filme. A historia e levemente baseada em Fellini, e apesar da conexao ser interessante os personagens nao te conquistam e a historia fica um pouco solta. Os numeros musicais sao maravilhosos, super bem coreografados e todas os atores arrasam, destaque para a Penelope Cruz e a Marion Cotillard que estao deslumbrante. Fergie, obviamente com a melhor voz, levou a melhor musica e gracas a Deus elanao tenta atuar, ela esta ali so para cantar. O Daniel Day-Lewis como sempre muito bom, mas nem ele salva. Se voce gostar da parte musical dos filmes ele e uma excelente pedida.

Check out the cast: Sente o elenco: Daniel Day-Lewis, Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Kate Hudson, Fergie, Judi Dench and Sofia Lauren. Could I miss it? Uhm... I think I could. "Nine" (2009), the film adaptation of the musical with the same name, directed by Rob Marshall - that adapted "Chicago" (2002). It really depends on the musical for me to like, normally the musical number annoy me a little because I feel like they stop the flow of the story. With "Nine" the opposite happened: I loved the musical numbers and hated the movie. The story is lightly based on Fellini, and despite the interesting connection, you don't connect with the characters and the stoy is a little loose. The musical numbers are amazing, highly choreographed and all the actores are really good in them, with special attention to Penelope Cruz and Marion Cotillard that are astounding. Fergie, obviously with the best voice, took the best song and, thank God didn't attempt to act she's there just to sing. Daniel Day-Lewis as good as always but not even him could save this movie. If you like the musical part of the movies, this is a great choice.

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