quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010

"Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world, and in here is the dream."

Se tem um filme que eu esperava a um certo tempo, com uma certa ansiedade era "Avatar" (2009). Todo mundo falando da tecnologia, que o 3D ia ser extraordinario, etc, etc e cade a historia? Alguem sabia sobre o que o filme seria? Eu confesso que confio no James Cameron quase que cegamente. Adoro "Exterminador do Futuro" (1984), "Alien" (1986) e, claro, "Titanic" (1997), - sim eu amo, #prontofalei. Entao o proximo filme dele, com dez anos de janela entre o ultimo bem aguardado. Quanto mais a estreia aproximava, mais detalhes voce comecava a ter: que ele levou dez anos pra fazer o filme, custou US$ 500 milhoes de dolares (com publicidade incluida, so o filme foram uns US$ 300 milhoes e pouco), mais caro da historia, desenvolveu tecnologia, contratou uma linguista para criar um idioma, toda a grandiosidade que voce espera de um diretor megalomaniaco. Mas eu ainda nao sabia a historia. Tava indo so pelo deslumbramento. Nao tinha nem ideia quem tava no elenco direito. Quando estreiou, todos as sessoes no IMAX esgotadas! Tive que esperar umas duas semanas e obtive vitoria na Florida. Descobri que o filme tem historia sim. E por mais piegas, cliche, classica e parecida com Pocahontas que ela seja, me conquistou. Gostei mesmo. Os efeitos entao nao preciso nem falar; absurda a apuracao da tecnica que ele conseguiu do 3D, a fotografia e maravilhosa, os efeitos espetaculares. So achei um pouco longo. Ele podia ter feito dois filmes com a historia do primeiro, inventado um terceiro e criado o novo "Guerra nas Estrelas" (1977). Mas isso nao vai impedir ele de fazer a trilogia mesmo assim e as conversas para um segundo ja comecaram. E tem fa pra isso, porque ja bateu o recorde de bilheteria de "Titanic" (1997). Ganhou Globo de Ouro e esta indicado para 9 Oscars! Sai do cinema pensando "nunca duvide de James Cameron; se ele fala que vai fazer um filme espetacular, ele faz!"

If there is a movie I was waiting for a certain time, with some anxiety, it was "Avatar" (2009). Everybody talking about the technology, that the 3D would be extraordinary, etc, etc and where was the story? Did anyone knew what the movie would be about? I confess that I trust James Cameron almost blindly. I love "Terminator" (1984), "Alien" (1986), and "Titanic" (1997), - yes, I love it #thereisaidit. So when his next movie, with a ten years window between his last, was very much antecipated. When the release was near, more details began to surface: that it took him ten years to make the filme, that it cost US$ 500 million (with advertsing included, just the movie was a little more than US$ 300 million), the most expensive of all times, he developed technology, hired a linguist to creat a language, all the grandiosity that you expect of a megalomaniac director. But I still didn't know the story. I was going to see it purely by the visual catharsis. I had no idea who was in the cast. When it opened, all the IMAX sessions were sold out! I had to wait a couple weeks and achieved victory in Florida. I found that the movie has a story indeed. And as much corny, cliche, classic and similar to Pocahontas as it may be it won me over. I really liked it. The effects I don't even need to mention; the 3D is absurd, the photography and the special effects are amazing. i just found it a little long. He could have made two movies with the sotry of the first one, invented a third and created the new "Star Wars" (1977). But that won't stop him making the trilogy because the talks about a sequel have begun. And it has fans to supported, because it already broke the selling record "Titanic" (1997) held. It won the Golden Globes and is nominated for nine Oscars! I came out of the movie thater thinking "never doubt James Cameron; if he says he'll make a spectacular movie, he will!"

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