I had seen the posters for "Invictus" (2009) around the city, but i hadn't apid much attention. When I found that the movie was with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon, direct by Clint Eastwood, I was interested. When I found that it was about Nelson Mandela, I was even more interested. No, the movie isn't a biography about the south african former president. And that is one of it's qualities, Clint Eastwood chose an episode of Nelson Mandela's life and in it you can understand the person he is and how he became an icon; always attentive to everything and everyone, worried about his country and with the end of apertheid. And he uses a "small" even to start that dream: the 1995 Rugby World Cup. The moive is a very classic narrative, very characteristic of Clint eastwood, and you leave the theater feeling inspired. Morgan Freeman is spectacular and the resemblance to the character is remarkable. Matt Damon is also great as the capitain of the rugby team. very interesting, I think it is worth it!
sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2010
"This country's changed. We need to change as well."
I had seen the posters for "Invictus" (2009) around the city, but i hadn't apid much attention. When I found that the movie was with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon, direct by Clint Eastwood, I was interested. When I found that it was about Nelson Mandela, I was even more interested. No, the movie isn't a biography about the south african former president. And that is one of it's qualities, Clint Eastwood chose an episode of Nelson Mandela's life and in it you can understand the person he is and how he became an icon; always attentive to everything and everyone, worried about his country and with the end of apertheid. And he uses a "small" even to start that dream: the 1995 Rugby World Cup. The moive is a very classic narrative, very characteristic of Clint eastwood, and you leave the theater feeling inspired. Morgan Freeman is spectacular and the resemblance to the character is remarkable. Matt Damon is also great as the capitain of the rugby team. very interesting, I think it is worth it!
sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2010
"How much does your life weight?"
Following the posts about actors/directors that I love comes George Clooney and Jason Reitman, - from "Thank You For Smoking" (2005) and "Juno" (2007) -, with "Up in the Air" (2009). I didn't know much about the movie aside from those two, I liked the name and the poster, and thought it was a movie about a guy that travelled all the time. I found out that the movie is much more than that. Yes it is a movie almost small/independent and you can't decide if you really liked it or just liked. The humor is dry, very sarcastic, you find youself laughing of a situation that no one should find amusing, and the sad becomes comical. It is definitely really interesting; the script (that one a much deserved Golden Globe), it launches itself from a very simple and silly point of view (that of a guy that love the life on the "road"), and it develops in a way that in the end ou almost forget where it started from; the movie is consistent, has history and feelings. And the tiny cast of other two supporting actresses (both also nominated for the Golden Globe), only adds to it all. If you have the time, stop by IMDb's trivia session because it has some really interesting things.
quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2010
DVD | Julie and Julia (2009)
When I came to the USA "Julie and Julia" (2009) was being pulled from the theaters here, as it was being released in Brazil, I lost the movie in my transition. But thanks to the agility of the producers in releasing the movie in DVD, I managed to rent it in December! I think Amy Adams is an excellent actress and a new team-up with Meryl Streep - they play side along each other in "Doubt" (2008) -, wasn't possible to miss. I thought the movie was good, cute, but it isn't a life changing experience. I lie, it could be, because I am dying to buy the book and cook the recipes! And also you keep wanting to kill yourself for not having had - yet - such a simple and successfull idea like Julie's. It is super worth watching, total feel-good movie.
quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2010
"The Private Lives of Pippa Lee" (2009)
I have some actresses/actors/director/screenwriters, etc that I'm really passionate about. You need only mention that a new movie is coming out and you can wait for me at the movie theather. Nothing less expected then me running to the movies when "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee" (2009), the new Robin Wright (without the Penn, she divorced Sean), directed by Rebecca Miller (daughter of Arthur Miller and wife of Daniel Day-Lewis), and has Alan Arkin, Keanu Reeves, Maria Bello, Winona Ryder, Julianne Moore, Monica Belucci and Blake Lively (as the young Pippa Lee). I expected an indie film, somewhat dry, that leaves a certain ackwardness, just like in "The Ballad of Jack and Rose" (2005), also directed by Rebecca. And that's exactly what happened. The movie tells the story of how Pippa Lee transformed herself throughout the years. For good or bad you don't judge her; you are a passive spectator, that observes what happened, happens and will happen. You don't leave the theather loving the movie, but you also don't hate it. It's very neutral, but interesting in it's own way.
segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010
DVD | The Edge of Love (2008)
I saw the trailer of "The Edge of Love" (2008) and it got my attention, for the cast, the story, etc. Surprise, surprise when I find the movie already to rent here (it opened in Brazil a little while ago). In the end, I didn't like it. The story is bad, the characters are weird, not in a good way. In summary: don't spend money with this movie!
terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010
DVD | Star Trek (2009)
The neighbors rented the new "Star Trek" (2009) e we obviously borrowed. I was curious because I don't know anything about the franchise aside from William Shatner, Spock and his pointy ears, the double "V" for victory and that someone speaks klingon. I read good reviews, the director is J. J. Abrams from Lost, has a lot of newly famous people, etc,... I found it cool and it threw me off in the beginning but I caught up and managed to understand! Oh and the b*******! I didn't see anyone speaking klingon (by the way, was there? because if there was I must have fallen asleep... oops). It is interesting and it catches your attention but it is nothing to die for! But if your neighbor rents it make sure to get it! haha
sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2010
"Haunt me no longer!"
I don't have much to say about "A Christmas Carol" (2009), because everyone is well aware of the story. I was curious to see the 3D that seemed nice, but I didn't think much of it. The story is burned out, Jim Carey is burned out,... I think one can do well without it.
quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2010
"The absence of him is everywhere I look. It is like a big hole has been punched through my chest."
To tell you the thruth I wans't dying to watch "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" (2009). By far, it's the book I like the least from the series. But at the same time I was curious to see if - with more money to produce the second movie - they had improved the special effects, makeup, etc, so I went to check it out on the opening weekend. A million teenager screaming like crazy at the movie theather but ok. I actually found the movie somewhat faithful to the book, but I dont know... I never leave the movie theather happy, satisfied and in love like the books do to me - the same goes to "Twilight" (2008). I watch only for love for the books; Robert Pattinson is gorgeous, but I don't like the way he plays Edward, he makes him hard and cold, something that everyone that reads the books knows it is exactly the contrary. The mere existence of Kirsten Stewart annoys me, buut I still think she makes a decent Bella. Taylor Lautner built up, took off the wig and made a good Jacob. Actually I think that the whole cast is kind of hard and badly casted, buut oh well. Like I said before: a true fan has to watch it and hope for the best!
terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2010
"Well, basically it could be two things: it could be a ghost... or it could be a demon."
Following "This is It" (20090, we skipped to "Paranormal Activity" (2009). The movie was breaking records here in the US, everyone talking about how scary it was and how it is the new "Blair Witch Project" (1999), the critics were good, it has a good score on Rotten Tomatoes,... I had to see it. Too bad, I wish I didn't. I found the movie boring and silly, it echoed faking, I was never into it for a minute and I ended up falling asleep (something I rarely do at the movies). I was told that the end is pretty scarry buuut I wasn't awake for it. I know many people have seen the movie and others will, but I hated it and just for the record it doesn't even come close to the "Blair Witch Project"!
sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2010
"It's a great adventure. We want to take them places that they've never been before. We want to show them talent like they've never seen before."
What Michael Jackson fan didn't anxiously wait for the London concerts? And what fan wasn't crushed by the news of his death? Soon came a drop of hope to see what could have been; it was announced the release of the documentary "This is it" (2009), with scenes of the rehearsals he was doing for the concerts. I don't know about you, but I soon tought that this was another scam to make money from the King. Good surprise when I finally managed to see the movie. The documentary is really cool and you are happy to see Michael dancing, singing, rehearsing and controlling the minimum details of the show. And at the same time you are sad because it would have been an amazing comeback. In the words of Madonna, "long live the king!".
sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2010
"I didn't want to wake you up, but I really wanted to show you something."
P.S: Destaque pro material de divulgacao do filme; os posters e a tipografia eram lindos.
First movie I saw on IMAX in my life, "Where The Wild Things Are" (2009), was expected with anxiety. Never read the book and I don't know if I will; maybe to have a better notion of the fidelity of the movie, but those who read it told me it's similar. I really liked the movie but it wasn't all I expected. It didn't awake in me the inspiration that the movies I find outstanding do. But even so it is still a great movie, the little boy is cute, the monsters were well done, the voices - all famous - match well with the characters, the soundtrack is pretty cool and the cinematography is gorgeous. I found the story really interesting and allows a lot of reflections (I still have a lot to think about and many conclusions to be made). Spike Jonze can't go much wrong right?
P.S: Special attention to the advertising material; the posters and typography were amazing.