sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2010

"I didn't want to wake you up, but I really wanted to show you something."

Primeiro filme em IMAX da minha vida, "Onde Vivem Os Monstros" (2009), foi ansiosamente esperado. Nunca li o livro, nao sei se pretendo; talvez para ter uma nocao da fidelidade do filme, mas quem leu ja me disse que ficou bem parecido. Gostei bastante do filme, mas nao foi tudo que eu esperava. Ele nao despertou em mim a inspiracao que normalmente vem dos filmes que acho sensacionais. Mas ainda assim e um otimo filme, o menininho e um fofo, os monstros sao super bem feitos, as vozes - todas famosas - combinam bem com os personagens, a trilha sonora e bem legal e a fotografia e linda. Achei a historia super interessante e possibilita muita reflexao (ainda tenho muito o que pensar e conclusoes a fazer). Nao tem muito como o Spike Jonze errar ne?

P.S: Destaque pro material de divulgacao do filme; os posters e a tipografia eram lindos.

First movie I saw on IMAX in my life, "Where The Wild Things Are" (2009), was expected with anxiety. Never read the book and I don't know if I will; maybe to have a better notion of the fidelity of the movie, but those who read it told me it's similar. I really liked the movie but it wasn't all I expected. It didn't awake in me the inspiration that the movies I find outstanding do. But even so it is still a great movie, the little boy is cute, the monsters were well done, the voices - all famous - match well with the characters, the soundtrack is pretty cool and the cinematography is gorgeous. I found the story really interesting and allows a lot of reflections (I still have a lot to think about and many conclusions to be made). Spike Jonze can't go much wrong right?

P.S: Special attention to the advertising material; the posters and typography were amazing.

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