Who called my attention to "Brothers Bloom" (2008) was my frined Charlos, a long time ago; the trailer was cool and the actors I don't even need to mention. But the movie would never be released in Brazil. Big surprise when I went to Blockbuster in NYC and found the movie for renting. The actors are great, in what the story allows them to be. Too bad, because Rachel Weisz, Mark Ruffalo and Adrien Brody are a great cast. I was amused till the end, that it is horrible and simply destroys the movie. The final memory is of a very average movie.
quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009
DVD | Brothers Bloom (2008)
Who called my attention to "Brothers Bloom" (2008) was my frined Charlos, a long time ago; the trailer was cool and the actors I don't even need to mention. But the movie would never be released in Brazil. Big surprise when I went to Blockbuster in NYC and found the movie for renting. The actors are great, in what the story allows them to be. Too bad, because Rachel Weisz, Mark Ruffalo and Adrien Brody are a great cast. I was amused till the end, that it is horrible and simply destroys the movie. The final memory is of a very average movie.
segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2009
DVD | Rudo y Cursi (2008)
Already at Uncle Sam's land, the first movie I saw was "Rudo y Cursi" (2008). For casr you have the team Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna, with direction by Carlos cuaron - brother of Alfonso Cuaron, the first one to put the duo together in "Y Tu Mama Tambien" (2001). The movie tells the story of two poor mexican brothers that love playing soccer; one gets his lifetime chance, but what he really wants is to become a singer, the other doesn't, but struggles to get it. The movie is nice but nothing sensational, it's far from the potential these two can achieve, but once a fan... haha
quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2009
"I was engineered. Born to save my sister's life."
quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2009
"Adventure is out there!"
I was super anxious to watch "Up" (2009). I had high hopes for the 3D and didn't really bother to know the story. A few days before going to see the movie I read a revew on Veja (brazilian magazine) and then it came one of the rare times in which they interested me even more in watching a movie. They happened to mention that the opening part of the movie was very sweet. In about 15 minutes they tell the story of the old men's life, without any lines (with the exception of the very first beggining). It is extremely moving! With a succession of images you are able to understand and be moved by everything that happens. It was right then that I fell in love with this movie! Disneu gets better every time, specially Pixar. "Wall-E" (2008), for instance, it's a movie that barely has lines, but you understand everything and it never gets boring. I love their experiments and the aesthetics they accomplished, that a movie doesn't really needs lines. But back to the movie... did I say it is wonderful? The 3D is nice, the characters are great, the story is cool and sweet. What about the chubby little boy? Wish I could squeeze him! Totally recommend it. Those who haven't watched are missing out and those who did watch should watch it again.
terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2009
"You have to be two people. The saint and the sinner. The librarian and the stripper."
Still in Brazil I went to watch "The Ugly Truth" (2009), com a Katherine "Izzie" Heigl and Gerard Butler, directed by Robert Luketic, from "Legally Blonde" (2001) and others. I will tell you the thruth: I liked it! But it is nothing to die for, but in a weak year for romantic comedy this was a good surprise. I had a lot of fun. I think it's worth going to the video store for those who enjoy the genre.
Atualizando... | Updating...
Peco desculpas aos meus leitores, mas muita coisa aconteceu e nao tive a oportunidade de postar. A boa noticia e que sim, continuo indo ao cinema e vendo filmes e que agora estou em NYC! Tenho alguns filmes que vi no Brasil e ate o fim desta semana vou atualizar. Mas a partir da semana que vem, posto os filmes que tenho visto por aqui. Alguns vao coincidir com o que esta passando ai, mas a tendencia e postar novidades e filmes que ainda estao por chegar na terrinha! Outra novidade e que agora vou postar em ingles tambem, para que o pessoal daqui possa seguir! O importante e ressaltar que o blog e bem despretencioso, e pretende manter o tom de conversa entre amigos, ao inves de blogs pseudo-cult e intelectuais, que voce tem que fazer aquele esforco pra acompanhar (nao que nao sejamos capazes de nos expressar e entender, maaaas... vamos combinar que tem dia que caaaaaansa!). Portanto, o tom e leve! Estamos aqui para passar o tempo e nos divertir! Um abraco para os que ja nos acompanham e para os que vem por ai!!!!
I apologize to my readers, but a lot has happened and I didn't have the opportunity to post. The good news are that yes, I still go to the movies, but now I am in NYC! I still have some movies I watched in Brazil and i will update them by the end of this week. But starting next week I will post about the movies I have been watching here. Some will have been released in Brazil by the same time, but the tendency is to post news and movies that are yet to get there. Another news is that I will also write in english, from now on, so that more people can follow. The important thing to stress is that the blog is unpretentious, and intents to keep a causal friendly tone, instead of pseudo-intelectual blogs that you have to make an effort to keep up (not that anyone here isn't able to express and understand buuuut...... that can be tyring!). For all that, the tone is light! We are here to spend a good time and have fun! All the best to the ones that already follow me and for those yet to come!
I apologize to my readers, but a lot has happened and I didn't have the opportunity to post. The good news are that yes, I still go to the movies, but now I am in NYC! I still have some movies I watched in Brazil and i will update them by the end of this week. But starting next week I will post about the movies I have been watching here. Some will have been released in Brazil by the same time, but the tendency is to post news and movies that are yet to get there. Another news is that I will also write in english, from now on, so that more people can follow. The important thing to stress is that the blog is unpretentious, and intents to keep a causal friendly tone, instead of pseudo-intelectual blogs that you have to make an effort to keep up (not that anyone here isn't able to express and understand buuuut...... that can be tyring!). For all that, the tone is light! We are here to spend a good time and have fun! All the best to the ones that already follow me and for those yet to come!
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